Stop Scrolling, Start Earning. Perfect Part-Time Job Awaits!

Find Your Perfect Part-Time Job. Work smarter, not harder. Browse our part-time job opportunities now.

Trusted by companies all over the world

Introducing company

Teamblue Part Time Jobs Private Limited was founded on July 26th, 2023, we’re dedicated to simplifying part-time job searches for both job seekers and employers.

Employers benefit from our streamlined hiring process, connecting them with qualified part-time professionals quickly and efficiently. Additionally, our platform saves time and resources by providing access to a diverse pool of talent.

Part-Timer Mobile App

Introducing Part-Timer

Discover flexible part-time jobs that fit your life. Sign up now and start earning on your terms. Your next opportunity is just a tap away. Ready to make it happen?

Our Benifits

Benefits of Part-timer


Balance your work life with your personal life. Part-time jobs allow you to choose schedules that fit around your studies, family commitments, or other interests.

Gain Valuable Skills:

Develop new skills and experience that can enhance your resume and make you a more competitive candidate in the job market.

Boost Your Income:

Earn extra cash to reach your financial goals, whether it’s saving for a vacation, paying off debt, or just having some extra spending money.

Our Benifits

Benefits of Employeer


Harnessing part-time resources enables dynamic staffing adjustments, ensuring adaptability to varying workloads and promoting efficient resource allocation

Cost effectiveness

Employing part-time personnel provides cost savings on benefits while accessing specialized skills, offering companies a strategic approach to project staffing.

Diversity Amplification

Part-time hires contribute diverse skill sets and experiences, fostering a versatile workforce that can approach challenges from multiple perspectives.

Operational Efficiency

Reduced overhead costs, heightened productivity, and talent pool expansion contribute to operational efficiency, making part-time arrangements a valuable strategy for businesses.

Seasonal Agility and Work-Life Harmony

Part-time staffing facilitates seamless adaptation to seasonal demands, while also promoting work-life balance for 
employees, enhancing job satisfaction and potential retention.

Why choose Part-Timer

The revolutionary platform connecting individuals with dedicated part-time, hourly-based, and short-term jobs. Our app streamlines the job search process, generating short-term employment and reducing unemployment rates. Join us in shaping the future of work

Your financial freedom journey starts here

Discover the earning potential of part-time jobs through our platform. With flexible hours and diverse opportunities, you can boost your income while balancing other commitments.


Verified Businesses


Minimum Part-Time job earnings per month


Jobs Posted



man sitting on mountain cliff facing white clouds rising one hand at golden hour
Our team

Meet the experts behind your success

Saranya Selvapandiyan


Raj Gupta

Co – Founder

Clynton Almeida

Director IT & Strategy


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